紧急救命コード・ブルー -ドクターヘリ緊急救命-(2008)

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分类:剧情  日本  2008 

主演:山下智久 新垣结衣 柳叶敏郎 户田惠梨香 比嘉爱未 浅利阳介 儿玉清 胜村政信 寺岛进 杉本哲太  

导演:叶山浩树 西浦正记 

林宏司 Kôji Hayashi



优飞影视为您提供2008年由山下智久 新垣结衣 柳叶敏郎 户田惠梨香 比嘉爱未 浅利阳介 儿玉清 胜村政信 寺岛进 杉本哲太  主演,叶山浩树 西浦正记 导演的《紧急救命》/原名《コード・ブルー -ドクターヘリ緊急救命-》/又名《空中急诊英雄 (台) / code blue》影视在线观看,《紧急救命》百度云网盘资源以及《紧急救命》高清mp4迅雷下载,《紧急救命》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

拥有直升机紧急救援的大学附属医院迎来了一批实习医生。他们分别是蓝泽耕作(山下智久 饰)、白石惠(新垣结衣 饰)、绯山美帆子(户田绘里香 饰)和滕川一男(浅利阳介

Plot Summary:If it can be treated one second earlier, the heart might start beating again. If there is one extra helicopter, another life in danger may be saved. If one more life can be saved, the Japanese medical community may regain trust. There are more lives in this country that can be saved. The "Doctor Helicopter" system was legalized in Japan in June 2007. A medical team is dispatched to the patients on a helicopter to provide medical care in the field as soon as possible. One day, four young physicians are assigned to this latest medical system. The doctors experience traumatic medical situations, deal with personal ambitions, witness the fragility of life, and they grow personally and professionally.



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