
0.0 很差

分类:剧情 同性  中国台湾  2020 

主演:莫子仪 陈淑芳 白润音 吴朋奉 谢琼煖 姚淳耀 是元介 沈威年 王可元 陈雪甄 胡广雯 朱宥丞 林欣怡 


2020-10-23(中国台湾) / 2021-02-18(中国台湾网络) / 2020-07-04(台北电影节)汉语普通话


优飞影视为您提供2020年由莫子仪 陈淑芳 白润音 吴朋奉 谢琼煖 姚淳耀 是元介 沈威年 王可元 陈雪甄 胡广雯 朱宥丞 林欣怡 主演,郑有杰 导演的《亲爱的房客》/原名《親愛的房客》/又名《Dear Tenant》电影在线观看,《亲爱的房客》百度云网盘资源以及《亲爱的房客》高清mp4迅雷下载,《亲爱的房客》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

林健一(莫子仪 饰)是住在顶楼的房客,但他不只照顾年迈患病的房东周秀玉(陈淑芳 饰),还收养了她9岁的孙子王悠宇(白润音 饰),这一切看似超出普通房客的行为动机

Plot Summary:For the past five years, Lin has been looking after the son (Yo-yu) and the elderly mother (Mrs. Chou) of his deceased boyfriend (Li-wei). They live together like a family, and it is Lin's way of remembering Li-wei - by continuing to be in the life he once had and loving the people he once loved. But when Mrs. Chou passes away, her other son (Li-gang) returns from overseas and discovers that Mrs. Chou's property is passed on to Yo-yu, who has been legally adopted by Lin. Li-gang contacts the police, accusing Lin of killing his mother for attempting to own the property. As the ensuing investigation continues, more and more evidence mounts against Lin.



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